we care about getting clients 

what they need. and fast. 

tips to quality content for all:

be open to candid feedback

keep the client’s goal top of mind

stick to the brand’s need + aesthetic

collaborate with your crew 

have fun!

The in studio experience includes flashing lights and may not be suitable for individuals with photosensitive medical conditions.


Be Prepared

before every shoot,  be informed on all the shoot details + goals. 

do some research + get familiar with the client or the brand. 

our clients come from many different backgrounds and can have a very wide variety in shoot goals. its important to understand what you are representing and how.

if there's not much info to work with, arrive with ideas to collaborate.

Arrive Early

soona works at a very. fast. pace. timing is everything!

make sure you understand your arrival times before accepting the shoot. 

and don't be late. 

although downtime may occur, you are booked for the entire shoot time. our crew needs the flexibility of ready providers from start to finish.

Production Timeline

we move quickly. expect to have 3-5 set ups or "scenes" every hour. stay alert + be ready for fast shots and quick scene changes.

it is normal to experience some downtime on shoots. stay alert, refrain from being on any personal devices, and stay near the shoot area. 

expect to stay on the shoot for the entire duration, unless otherwise specified in assignment notes. 

you may only leave early if you are dismissed by soona crew.

Be Professional

show up looking and feeling your best, and have a professional attitude and demeanor. 

(in appearance standards if you're a model)

even if your client is joining virtually, other clients will be in studio. you are seen as not only a representative of yourself, but also soona while working in studio with us.

although soona is a fun + casual place to work, it is still a work place! keep conversations appropriate and inclusive for a safe and respectful environment. maintain respect for personal boundaries of those around you.

consistently lacking professionalism can be terms for
suspension or immediate dismissal.


all client information shared within a soona shoot is confidential

this info should only be used during the shoot to accomplish shoot goals. do not share or use this info for any other reasons.

this also extends to respecting the privacy of all crew members + other providers.

Safety + Consent

follow all health and safety protocols of the studio to ensure yours and other's safety.

avoid unnecessary physical touch to ensure everyone's comfortability. if touch is required for shoot goals, do your part to maintain open communication and practice continuous consent with all parties involved.

we have a zero tolerance policy for any form of harassment or discrimination.

if you feel uncomfortable or witness inappropriate behavior, please inform us via the feedback form under the "crew + provider interactions" or "on-shoot experience" selection.

client product discards

as of 10/24/23 soona customer discards are no longer available for collective members to take home. this policy helps protect client assets and prevents products from being discarded by mistake.


Client is the Director

when making decisions, always default to the client's preferences.

the crew will set pace + help make creative suggestions.

remain focused on the client's vision and listen for crew’s direction.

Consent is Important

tell crew ASAP if you are not comfortable with actions requested by a shotlist or client while on set. the crew will work with you on alternate solutions.

do not accept assignments that you are not comfortable performing.

avoid unnecessary physical touch to ensure everyone's comfortability. if touch is required for shoot goals, do your part to maintain open communication and practice continuous consent with all parties involved.

if you feel uncomfortable or witness inappropriate behavior, please inform us via the feedback form under the "crew + provider interactions" or "on-shoot experience" selection.

Questions + Communication

shoot specific questions:
for assignment or creative specific Qs,
ask the photographer or crew lead.

admin questions
first, use the 🔎 to search this site for answers!

if you still have questions,
text or email us at or 844-577-6662

share your feedback

we always strive to enhance your experience + need your feedback to do so!

fill out our feedback form