soona studios operate M-F 8am-6pm.
as a soona provider, you have the opportunity to set your working schedule with us! 

you can share when you are available for work in your availability tab on your soona dashboard (book.soona.co)

NEW expectation! we expect availability to be filled out 4-6 weeks into the future. your profile is tagged to customers as "high" "medium" and "low" depending on what you have input 4 weeks into the future.

we suggest checking your listed availability on a weekly basis to make any adjustments necessary + add new availability for upcoming weeks. 


the best way to increase your chances of getting booked is to fill out availability far in advance and to increase time available.


for models, customers are shown the most available models first. the more availability you have, the higher the chances are you will be selected for bookings.

also, in most cases if we don't see availability posted when we try to schedule the shoot, we will skip over you and assign other providers instead.



if you are not available during any dates or times within the time period listed, turn your services OFF in the pro service profile tab.

you may turn services back ON once you have availability again.


these emails are sent weekly to all providers - regardless if you have entered availability or not.

they are meant to inspire the following actions:

filling out availability is essential to get bookings. frequent failure to do so can result in suspension.


what if I'm only available for part of an hour slot?

only select hour time slots if you are available for the full hour shown. 

if you are not available for the entirety of the hour, leave that time slot unselected. 

can I get booked without availability listed?

adding + updating availability is an essential piece to becoming a successful provider with us. if you do not have any availability listed, we assume you are not available for shoots and we will not assign your services. 

for modeling services, model profiles are shown to clients in order of most available models to least available models.

if any of your services are turned ON, we require availability to be listed through the date shown at the top of the availability tab.

consistently listing your services as active and not providing availability can be terms for suspension from the collective.

what if I don't have availability?

if you don't have availability through the dates we are looking for, turn your services OFF in the pro service profile until you become available again.

the more availability you have, the higher likelihood you'll be booked for shoots.

if you will not have availability for the forseeable future, please email collective@soona.co for next steps.

how far in advance should I fill out availability?

fill out availability at least through the dates listed at the top of the availability tab. you are more than welcome to fill out your availability as far in advance as you know your schedule. we just ask that you update your availability as soon as possible once your availability changes.

its generally best to check back at least once a week to ensure your availability listed is still accurate.